Visit Our Fair Trade Store

We have a great variety of Fairtrade certified items located at our store in the Towne Centre Mall, 4929 50 Street (Ross Street) #107 (Lower Level), Red Deer.

We unique clothing, jewelry, household supplies, beauty products, coffee, tea, chocolate, and baking supplies to choose from.  Your purchases help to fund our recovery home, and support farmers and artisans to earn a fair wage for their products across the world.

At our Magdalene House store we are proud to offer products from the following Canadian businesses:

Thanks to a generous donation from Red Deer Rotary Downtown Club and the owner of Towne Centre Mall, we have a cozy space to call home. We also want to thank all those who donated furnishings for our office/store.

What Is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade is a different way of doing business. It’s about making principles of fairness and decency mean something in the marketplace.

It seeks to change the terms of trade for the products we buy – to ensure the farmers and artisans behind those products get a better deal. Most often this is understood to mean better prices for producers, but it often means longer-term and more meaningful trading relationships as well.

For consumers and businesses, it’s also about information. Fair Trade is a way for all of us to identify products that meet our values so we can make choices that have a positive impact on the world.

Fair Trade or Fairtraide

Fair Trade (also known as “fair trade” or “fairly traded”) refers to the broader concept of fairness and decency in the marketplace, whereas “Fairtrade” refers to the specific Fair Trade certification system run by Fairtrade International (FLO) and its members, including Fairtrade Canada.

When speaking generally about the concept, it’s best to use “fair trade”. When speaking specifically about the FLO system, use “Fairtrade” (“Fairtrade certified products”, “Fairtrade certification standards”, etc).